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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  December 28, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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3 hello... 3 i'm... jeff arnd. barnd. and i'm karen parks. another winter storm is on the way and this time we could
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see up toofour nches in some areas. areas. p3 round... the... state.../ crewss.. are workinn overtime... to prepare the roaas... for another... wiiter blast. bbast. let's... go &pto ...janice park...streaaing live in... nooth baltimore .../ with... a - look... att.. last mmnute preparations. state highway adminissration workers are not anyone to envy tonight...the time keeps getting pushed back...but they am to alt theeroads....people were out today buying typicaa supplies...but most people e spoke to feel like they already have a handle on tomorrow's storm. p,3 you are taking a look at the "emergency operation centee" - at tte statt highway administration.they have live camera feeds... that allows them to moniiior roadway 3 senors that eed iifo on what's goinn on....all this technology helps them deterrine which areas need the -3 most wo days - now...they've been treating rrads with salt rine...nexx comes the sall, then plowing.
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3 3&p"in fact to stayyone step ahead...crews are deployed & pretreating roads, prevents - ice to road to keep ssff in winter storm" 3 the state highway admistration highlyyrecommenns thattwe all stay off tte oads tomorrow morning...but if for some 3 theree...they ask that youu - never pass a snow's always safest tt stay behind in nnrth baltimore, jp fox45 news at ten. -3 3 p3 some ... ,3 people... could... wake up another blanket of snow... tom'w... morning...//. morning..../. 3 3 3 3
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3 a.... pizza delivery... driver... ssys... he llst his job.../ fighting... - bacc... / after... he paa attacked.... whiie... making aa delivery...//.it's... a... story... you're seeing... first on fox...//. as... rime and justice... reporter.... 3 explains.../ it''... against... comppny policy... to... be armed..../ and... criminalss.. -3&pseem to... áknowá it.
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33 ((pkg))) 3 & 3 3 news at ten. 3
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3 that... brings us too
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3 our question of the day..../. &pphould a pizza ddliveryman... be punished... fr defeeding himself? pimself? a lot of response... pn our facebook page .../// -3 most of you ay... he ááhouldá get a raise for deffedingghimselff..// if you want to weigh in just go to facebooo-dot- com-slash-fox-baatimore. 3&&p we have breaking barnes. the 16-year old norrh caroliin girl went mssiig two years ago -&ptoday..... her body was foundd in tte susquehana river months later. last pear the boyfrieed oo her older sister, michael johnssn, wws harged with strangling prosecutors say they want to close he courtroom during his trial tooshow sexaully explicit videos of baanes and the suspect, evidenceethey say
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ii key to their ase. &p we poke to the fammly oday, and theyytold us they are aware of the evidence, and are preeared. 3 we're still foolowing a developing 3 two men have beennshot oo woodbrrok avenue near retreat street. -3 one an was shot in the buttocks... the other in the chestt p both were taken to -3 shock trauma. 3 police... are....still looking... for for... the... severe beattng... f a man ... happened... in... & east ballimore.../ &&p and ... is... &pnow... being investigated... p as... a... possible hate crime. crime.this... is... what... kenny shaw... &p looks like...//. his... ace.... badly beaten...//.shaw ... ann... his faaily... believe... he - was targetee.../ bbcauss he's ggy. 3 3:10:55 this was outragous what type of person woold do phen people are upppsed to be celebrrting people are out there committing rimes :09 :09 3&p shaw ays her son was walking home fromma cornnr &pstore whhn a roup of... 5 or
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3 several leads. 3 a... &p baltimore county man....missing sincc deceebee 7th... is found..../ but... how he disappeaaed ... is... a mmstery....// 57 year old... steven pearson... left his mmet someone pegarding a contractinn job...//. for... four days... no ooe kkeww...where he was....// then ... decemmerr - 22st... he was found insiie a home... on... mcculloh street...//. docttrs -3 say... pearson... might have ttauma... o tte head.... / he's.... in... shock trauma in serious... but stableecondition. 3 a baltimore &pcounty teenager... issiig since december 22nd... has &pbeen foundd now - her boyfrrend facesscharges for lying to police. & police. police charged 23 year old david givens with one 3 statemenn tt a policc officer. police ere lookinn for his 17 year old girlfriend..... - last seen at the white mmrsh mall.. he was found... and givens was ccargedd 3 harford ounty -3 police are looking forra man suspected of robbing a home in fallsson. it pappened on fallston road near
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his is a skeeth of the -3 suspect. invessigaaors ssy on december 15tt... the man alked outt frrm behind a woman's home and asked her about a vehicleethat was for sale on her roperty. when the 3 she realized sse had been robbed.. iff you recognize this man.. you're asked to ccll harford county police. 3&pp customs officers seize more than 2-hundred pounds of drugs frrm qatar. it happened at dulles international airport. agents discovered the shipment of khat(cot). khat is a plant thht's chewed to create a high. theedrug has a street valueeof - about 30-thousand dollars. 3 3& a... hearing today... over the ffte... of... ... controvvrsial blogger.../ whose stand-off ...withhpolice... gained... -3 nation--wwde... - attention..../ now... a... paltimore... judge... & weighs in.../ on... áiff... he should remian... behind bars. bars. 33 dissapointment today outside mitchell couuthouse10:51:09"in 47 years he's never posed a threat to the public, he's never urt anybody."circuit - court
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judge lynn k. stewart -&pand activist james mcarthuu. ruling ii a brief fiie minute hearing the man kkoon as the baltimore spectator is a threat to ppblic saffey ann ssould remain in jail.11:19:18 "we feee it is an utter travesty and that it issa slap in he face."it's a case that -3 attracted nationaa ttention wwen maccrthur was arrested aater this tenseaand very public standoff with police earrier this mmnth. ((nats oo sttndoff))nngotiations pboaddast live ffom his north baltimore home after he refused 33 3 ""t's sada"10:51:15 3&p10:51:15"it's sada" - 3
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3 prosecutors... say... macarthur ...could face... up to... six chhrges ...of... assault,.../ one... count... for... ach pooice officer... he allegedly &&pthreatened & p3& p major strike at 15 major east coast portss. includinn the port f baltimore ss avoided... for noww
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pasociation and the u-s & maritime alliance... which represents shipping companies and port set midnight dec 33th. today... both sides agreed to a 30-day extennion to the current - contract. a strike would cargo along the east coast. (7:08) the ort of baltimoree is one of maryland's largeet eceonice gernerators so ann ttpe of ork ction thht may resulttin a suspension or stoppage of worr would have ann adverse effect. effect. 3 more than 100 organizations pave urred president obama to step into negotiations. 3 james white .. executive director of the port authority released thiss statement today. he says "we hopeethat both sides use this extended time wisely and conninue to talk ii order to makkeprogress toward a new agreement. it is within everyyne's best interestt to do so." 3 tickets...
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for the rrvens... home ppayoff gamm... went on sale... 3 morning.../ it... took... less than 20 minutes... for... all... 2-thousand tickkts... to... be... bought-- up...//. s... it stands .../ the... -3 ravens ...will host... -3 a... home game ../.. 3 against... the & indianapolis coltss.. - or... the cincinatti bengals... next sunday. 33- 3 p just four days until congress sends the poonnry off the cliff. the majorrsticking ppints that are preventing a lass minute deal. 3 just when you thoughh some people couldn't get any a oman who apparently used the connncticutt shooting ttaggdy... o ccsh in... 3&p another new york latest case oo someone pushingg speeding train. 3 3 &
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3 just foor days away. the congressiinal eeders for n oval offfce meeting this - afternooo. if they can't reach a deal by january first all of our taxes are going up anddtheecountry will face ddvastating spending cuts. - mike emanueelexplains which factions will have tt compromise for the good of the country. country. 3 house republicans say they've alrrady acted - votiigg to eetend all of he bush tax & cuts, and ppssinggan alternattveeto the sequester - and domesttc programs starting in the new year. so they've shifted the focus to the need for maaority eader -3hhrry reid and senate democrats to do something. &p lankford says: "the way the 3 now - not evee bringing bills through committee - is incredibly frustrating to those of us in the house 3 has to be done ii theesenate wants a rsolution, senate - actually has to pass something on this we hhve ddne our ork in the house. the enate has to respond." te challenge is determining what will pass the republican led phuse, and the democrat pontrolled senate.
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fiscal conservatives say a avood the cliff won't work. corker ays: "if we in fact do not use this ppriod of time 33 with the bigger issues of entitleeents, if we just continue to kiik the can down & ttink the market is going to rrspond in a mooe permanent and negativv 3 another bill... 3 news.mike emanuellfox ewss
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3 another bill... held up... in... congressional pridlock... could pend... milk prices... to.... seven dollars a gallon...///. 3 holds the key... to eeping mmlk prices... reaaonable...///. the... senate ... passed their versionn.../ bbt... the -3&& ouse... hasn'' started debate... on the mmasure..../ without ... a... deal,.../ a... 60---year old law... will go back into effect,.../ causing... milk prices... to soar. 3 pne man s taking the nattonal debt on one empty can at a time. time. 85 year old garcia
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the debtt he colleccs soda cans then turnn them in for the deposit. over the past & ttree yyars he's colllcted more than 31 hundred dollars which he's sent to uncle sam. 3 &p3 ww're paying absolutely too iiterest. (reporter: it really - pothers you!) it bothers me because ii makes no sensee 3 garcia's money goes here, 3 parkersbbur, west virginia. it waa established by - preeident kennedy for people 3 control he debt. the bureau has collected about 90 million dollaas since it was first opened. 3 3 scientists ... - are... ow looking... iito the d-n--... of the man... behind the... sandy hook elementary school... massaare... / for... clues... as to what... a... &p"first-of-itt-kknd"... study... //// doctors...
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are... testing... adam lanza's... d-n-a...//. for... mutations... associated with... mental illness...// phat... could lead... to an increased risk... for violence...//.but... experts say... there's... no proof... that... peopll &pwith those genes... -3 will copy... lanza's beeavior.../.lanza... shot and killed... 27 people.../ including... 20 children.../ &p deceeber 14th. 3 afttr... the massacce .../ thh... debate... about gun laws... has been... on... the rise... nationwide..../ & herre.. in maryland delegate ...has ppans to fix it. 3 today... delegate ...pat mcdonoughh...held a ccnference... - introducing... 3 billss.. on... gun violence...//. onn... is... thh gun owner... prrvcacy act,.../ & criminal ... gun control act...// and... thh... capital puniihmenn... for... mass murderr act....// mcdonough... is... also pushing... for... stricter parole....for... violators. p3 "all ii thhse shootings in baltimore city are done by people who are on parole with - guns so what my bill does itt says that if yyu commit a crime with a gun and you go to jail you can't have parole yoo can't get out earry underrany circumstannes." 3 no word... on
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when... or if... these bills... will go into effect. 3 a woman is accuued of using -3 the newtown school massaare to scam people out of oney. money. 37 year old nouel alba of the bronx was released toddy on 50 thousand dollars bond. the fbi says she setup an acccunt aad cllimed to be the relative -3 of one oo the young hooting victims. she asked people for donations toohelp pay for a young boy's funeral and claimed she was an aunt hannling the accountt the fbi says she lied when confronted with a charge which carries five years and a 3 3 3 new york... police... arrest a woman... they buy... tte gunn... used to murder... two... firefighters... monday. monday. 4-year-old... awn wynn.... is... facing....felony & charges... for lying... on a firearms .... 3 inneetiiators... say... she purchased the guns ... for... william &pspengler...//. spengler... & then... et his house... on fire,,../ and... lurrd... in... first shooting... four of -3 them, .../ killing two.../ then... &p killing himself...//. spengler...
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was... a... conviited felon.../ so... he.... eeded his former neighbor.... wynn.... to... buy 3 3 when you have a piccic... you expect a few bbgs... a chipmunk or two. but ot a 177foot python. python. that's... what a family from arkansas... ran into... hiie they were at a picnic area... in florida.../. ptte ... 17-foot... burmese pythonn.. 3 snnkes... re... succ a problem .../ that... in jjnuary.../ he... staae... commission... hosts... a... python -3 ccallenge...///. to... control the expanding population..../// a... rand prize... of... 5-hundred dollarr... p..who kills the most pythons.../ and... a ...thousand dollars... goes... to the person... who kills... the longest python..../// researchhrs... -3 say... pyyhons ...have devastated rabbit,.../ ox, opossum... and... bobcat populationn. pthat latest
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3 winter storm is ccurning towwrds us. us. 33 meteorologist emily gracey is tracking the ssorm. storm. 3 llt's go to her ow to see which areas are going to get pht the hardest. hardest. p3 p3 3 murder on a neww
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3 york city subway. the second caae off someone pushiig - stranger in front of a speeddng train. p3 the biggest stories of 2012. ccming p next, in toniggt's cover story, we'll countddwn the biggest headlines of the past tweeve months. 3
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3 nnw year's... 3 in... 2012.../ with... excciement,... hope, and resolutions...///. --3 this... ear ... brimmed... with we... looked forward... to ... & presidential election .// - .. aad... the summer olympiis. olympics. & 3 but 012 as not withouttitsstrageeiee ... with an oogoing civil war in syria u-s ambassador. shepard smith ssows us the biggeet 33 year. -3 p,
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3 3 &p
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3 inside the ecret 3 lair of the oracle of omaha. the humble office that's home foo ooe of the world's richest - 3&p on he hhnt forranotherr subway killer. the latest case of murder by pushiig a stranger in frrnt of a speeding train. p3
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police... are... searching or a suspect... - wwo... ppshed a maa... to his death... n... a... new york is... thh second time... this month... / & this... -33&p has happened. & happened.take ... a... look at... surveillance video... of the woman ....hey believe... is the suspecc...//. witnesses... ay... she was pacing ...on the train platform queens.../ talking to herself... before ...she took a seaa..... whenn.. the... train was ulling into the statioo.../ she got up.../ then ran away.../ leavingg.. maayypeople in shock. 3 "i have no ords for this. these days thereeare so manyy people that's crazy. you know we have to watch bbck... i can't believe these things happen in this area." prea."
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3 police have not yet identifiedd tte victim. it's aaso unclear if theetwo knew each otherr 3 a... california man... is... charged with fraud .../ after... police say.... he... hid... his faaher's pody... for... two years .../ juss... o collect a check. check. police... - found... richard romerrs body... this - month....// they... &psay... his son... kept him... in a box... behind ...a.. relative's house... for... some... of the -3 past... two years..../ he ... apparentty... moved the body... whenever... police would cooe investiiate complaints... about... the smell...//. it... was... all... to collecc his fther's... social seccrity... aad... 3 33 my sister had walked over thhre to where the red car is and she was like, woww she & could smell it from that far off. 3 3 that's, that's pretty bbd man. -3 i can't believe someeneewould 3 the... son... and....hii son's girlfriend...
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are faciig... several... frrud charges. 3 3 3 3 3 3 inside the ffiie
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3 inside the office of one of the world's richest men. - why he says he won't even & splurge for a lat-screen tv. 3 lights ouu on traditional lighttbulbs. why these bulbs &pwill be banned forevvr starting tueeday. 3 33a recall today...
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have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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3 year will mean the end to some old light bulbs. bulbs. the 75-watt incandescent light bulb will be phased out on monday... deceeber 31st. you''l still be able to bby lights that avee the same brightness but they'll most likely be l-e-d. it's all abouu aving energy. p3 llhrman says: "so, last year, the hundrrd-watt bulb was phased out and the beginning of the year this yyaa, january ffrst, the seventy-five watt bulb issbeing phased out and the next yyar, most siity-watt bulbsswill be phased ouu and, you know, these aae sort of pimed and they'veebeen timed so that most, um, tte biggest energy hogs get phased out faster ffster
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3& congress passed a law in 2007 3congrrss passed a - congress passed a eeficienttlight bulbs. 33 supposed to laat 25 to 50-thousand hourss 3 he's... one of the worrd's ...richest men.../ & warren ... buffettt ...has beee... at the helm ... of ...the successful... berk-shire-hathhway... 3 50--yeers...//. ut... as... poppy harlow... says.../ buffee's... small office... in omahh, nebraska... is... relatively... 3 3 3 austere. austtre. 3 3 nebraskk cnn, omaaa,
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3 nebraska - 3
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&pbuffett... held the 3 pealthiist person... just... four years ago...///. today... he's... worth... -3 nearly ...50 billion dolllrs...//. &p3 & 3& the local press hands out &pitt season awards to the m-v-p and the media good guy... next in sports unlimited....- 3 the fastest weiner pog's on the planet. the op performers at this year's dachshund world championships. 3 every season...
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3every seasoo...nerdy, ravens media members like myself... reflect on the season...grab some stats...and vote on who &pwe think ii the team m-v-p. m-v-p.this year it wenttto ray rice...a lear cut choice.when rice is involved... with carries close to thee20-to-25 - rrnge.the ravens win..he leads &pthe team n rushing and touchdowws... second in receiving yards.6th in the 3 per game.and he's got over -3 a-thousand yards this season... 4th ssraight year doing so.and he's a pro bowler for the 33d m-v-p, no doubt. 3 the second media award... good guy. 3 it's my favorite...and gges to a player who s always available and media friendly.
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-3 thhs year it'' defeesive end art joness.jjnes is the nicest sayingg lot because the -3 ravens are a great group.and jones... who's in his 3rd & year... with 4-and-a-half sacks. 3 pe wrap up another ssason oo the coors liigt silver spotlight.and what better &pway...thhn with the very first - rrven...tackle jonathan ogden. pho could be on his way to canton...ogden's a semifinaaist for the hall of fame... in his first year of elgibility.sports directoo brucc cunningham has more... more... 3 3&p ,
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3 3 michael oher fined...
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3 and loyola hosts 11-30 on he late edition... 3 man becomes dog's best friend... after a daring 3 can see an 11 year old hound named bart.. stuck in the icy aters of lake erie in michigan.bart fell through thh ice durrng a huntinggtrip.buu thankk to his ooner.. he wwsn't alooe.the man stayed waist- deep in the freezing water keeping tte ooch warm until help arrived. 3 "i wws talking to him, i was trying to keep him warm. i was tryyng to ggt someeblood flowing hrough his body." body."it tooo aa hour and a - half for help to arrive.both ok.
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3 a tradition unlike any other. we'll take you inside the world championship of weiner og racing, next. ...and coming up in just 5 & mmnutes on the late edition... 3 at morgan state unversity. how a meeting oday saved tte job of the university's president. p3 and pplling candy off the 3 one midwestern city. 3 it was a racc to
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3 donnt enddup looking like a disco balllthree subtle ways to add himmer to your new year's eve ensemble... monday
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3 it was a race toothe &pfinish line in california yesterdaa.... &pyesterday.... but... yyu had tt be a wiener... tt compete. pheering----- thousands off 33&ppeople... gatherrd in san diego... for thh 11-th annual... wienerschnitzel.... wiener race...//. 8 & dachshunds... compette... n a ...56-foot track... 33 for a thousand dollar prize...//. áoscar browná....a wiener doo... from a nose...///. -3 3 p3 3


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